How do I get into treatment?
The first step is to complete an alcohol/drug evaluation by a licensed counselor for the appropriate level of care. This determines which program or service will be the most beneficial to you. HSI can complete this step for you or you can be referred by a provider of your choice who has completed your evaluation. Residential services do require a professional referral. All admissions must be scheduled through the Admissions Coordinator. HSI does not provide detox services and is a non-medical facility.

How long is your residential program?
It is different for each person and is based on client necessity to comprehend, attend to information, level of care recommended and the chronicity that may effect each person. It is not a "30 day" program.
How long is your outpatient program?
HSI will design a step down program that meets the individual needs of persons served. This is based on physical chronicity, level of function, persons treatment plan, progress of each individual, and client ability to retain emotional/physical stability. The average length is 8-12 months.

How long does it take to get a residential bed?
This depends on whether you have a current TB screening. We do require all clients (residential and outpatient) to have a negative TB screening. Financial arrangements must be made (HSI is a preferred provider for many insurances and third party payers) whether you need to meet a copay, type of medications and how diligently the person requesting admission completes the requirements. There is usually no waiting list and if everything is complete a date just 2-3 days from contact will be given for admission. However, the first step to expedite the process is to contact the admissions coordinator prior to sending any documentation.